
Showing posts from December, 2018

Can marijuana be used for medicinal purposes?

Marijuana can be used for treating nausea caused by cancer, chemotherapy,poor appetite and weight loss caused by HIV,etc. Our body already makes Marijuana like chemicals that affect inflammation,pain,etc. but Marijuana can sometimes make those natural chemicals work better. Medical marijuana can be used as a liquid extract,heated until the active ingredients are released provided no smoke comes out,or it can even be eaten by putting it in cookies. Well there are some side effects of using marijuana such as dizziness,short term memory loss and drowsiness, but they don't last long. More serious side effects include severe anxiety. When using it,it is more likely that you don't know of it's potential to cause cancer and its side effects. So its better not to use it until you have got it prescribed by your doctor in a card. People under the age of 18,pregnant women, and people with heart disease should be more resistant to marijuana.

How does diet affect our general well being?

Those whose dietary patterns include fresh fruits and vegetables,whole grains, legumes,etc. have a lower risk of major chronic diseases and mainly diet related diseases. Highly processed snacks and takeaway food products rich in tasty fat and sugar have now replaced the nutrient rich and unprocessed food in our diet. People who eat more of unhealthy and junk foods are at a higher risk of depression. Obesity increases the risk of depression and dementia while depression prompts obesity. A diet supplemented with nuts,olive oil and a low fat calorie restricted diet improves blood pressure levels, inflammation,insulin sensitivity and other markers of heart disease. Eating enough overall calories per day – ideally as part of balanced meals and snacks at regular time intervals – can help keep you energized. Healthy foods can even improve your sleep, which plays an important role in weight control. Eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are satisfied can help keep your blood pr...

How can mitosis cause cancer?

Have you ever thought about mitosis causing cancer? Well,first of all,mitosis is the most common form of cell division that helps in growth and repair. During mitosis,the cell makes an exact copy of itself and splits itself into two daughter cells. It is generally controlled by the genes inside the cells. But sometimes,this control can go wrong. If this happens in just a single cell,it can replicate itself to make new cells that are also out of control. Well,these mostly are,cancer cells. Without the control systems that normal cells have,they replicate rapidly. Tumors or lumps are formed by cancer cells that damage the surrounding tissues. Sometimes,these cancer cells may break off from original tumor and spread in the blood to other parts of the body.

Should obesity be treated as a disease?

Obesity is complex,that can have many causrs,such as endocrine (like malfunctioning of thyroxin) but often the condition is from a combination of overeating and inactivity. For some,there are genetic factors that produce a tendency to overweight even with the consumption of what would be for most people an appropriate number of calories. Whether the causes are genetic,reside in the brain,or hormonal,it is most often difficult to sort out. Many say there is only one cause of obesity - consuming too many calories.Well,food is dealt in different ways by different bodies - some people who eat a lot seem to be thin while others appear to eat little but be overweight. Genetic,psychological and metabolic factors have all been blamed for obesity. If you see,these may help to explain why people eat too much,nothing can actually be the cause. There are no medical conditions that cause obesity. Thyroid deficiency does lead to weight gain,but again,only if the person is consuming too many calo...

Should vaccines be mandatory for children?

Some say that vaccinations are safe and one of the greatest health developments. They point out that several illnesses,including,whooping cough,rubella,polio,diphtheria and small pox and prevented by vaccinations and millions of children are saved. All of you agree to this,don't you? While others say that children's immune system can deal with most infections naturally,and injecting vaccines into the child may cause side effects,including,paralysis and death. Many do not agree to this,including me. Young children and infants are at a higher risk from vaccine - preventable diseases as their immune systems are less mature,and therefore it will be less able to fight off the infection. If a child was to get a vaccine - preventable disease,it would be really serious and even life threatening. Vaccinating children to protect them against life-threatening diseases can cause mild, short-term side effects, such as redness and swelling at the injection site, fever, and rash. But the ...

How to see back in time?

I don't mean you can see yourself as you were 5 years back. NO. But you can see the past of celestial objects. Distance in the cosmos is calculated in light years. Light year is the distance travelled by light in 1 year. 1 light year = 2,99,792.458(speed of light) × 60(per minute) × 60(per hour) × 24(per day) × 365(per year). So 1 light year = 9.45425496 × 10^12 km. When you see something 1 light year far, you are actually seeing it as it was 1 year ago ! Since light from there had travelled 1 year to reach you ! If you have a telescope to see 14 billion light years far, you can seeing things as they were, sometime soon after the origin of the universe !

Should people be encouraged to homeopathy first?

The principles of homeopathy run contrary to modern science. Modern homeopaths have tried to justify the law of similars by comparing it to the effectiveness of vaccines - which involve giving small doses of an infectious pathogen to prevent a later infection. However,do you think this analogy is apt? Vaccines involve measurable doses of weakened or killed organisms and operate a known mechanism - they trigger an immune response. Do you feel there is any anology for homeopathic treatments? I don't think so. Homeopaths today use dilutions of substances which essentially remove all traces of the substance from the final dilution. But is there even a single molecule of the original drug in the final remedy which is given to the patient? No I don't think so. And for this,the homeopaths conclude that the substance is transferring it's essence to the water into which it is diluted. The more it is diluted,the more potent is the water. Do you think they offer any possible explana...

How about adult neurogenesis in humans?

If you had noticed, for most of the 20th century, there was a general consensus that once the developmental period was over, brain cells could not renew themselves. But, over the last two decades, some evidence gradually accumulated for the capacity of new neurons to be born in two properly defined locations in an adult's brain - the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and the sub ventricular zone. The hippocampus plays an important role in memory and learning, and this adult DG neurogenesis has not only been implicated in memory but has also led to ideas that it could be harnessed to treat neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. Hippocampal neurogenesis not only occurs in adult humans but also it does not appear to decline with aging. This was the view of Boldrini et al. But, don't you feel that if neurons are born in human adulthood, they may be relatively far. And don't you feel that adult neurogenesis declines with age in most species that were examined and f...

Solution for Grandfather Paradox

"Grandfather Paradox" is a popular counter to the possibility of time travel. The paradox is - What if a person travels back in time and kills his grandfather in his teenage ? The time traveller shouldn't be existing !! A considerable solution is the possibility of existence of many parallel universes. Any person is made up of a collection of atoms. And all the atoms have been in existence since big bang. The mass that makes 'YOU' at present might have been scattered on the earth in various places during your grandfather's time. It's not possible to gather all that mass, from around the world, that specific atoms, and make 'YOU'. And if you say you will travel back in time with the mass you have now, with these very same atoms, it would be in violation to the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS.  One very possible explanation is that big bang didn't give rise to a universe, but to a multiverse. A multiverse made of so many universes, where the pa...

Nuclear Fusion - Energy of the future

"Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be converted from one form to another" Of course. We get energy from various sources, the common ones being thermal and Hydel power. The newer sources being geothermal, wind and solar energy. While all the above are quite earthly, the latest entry, "Nuclear Power" holds some unearthly possibilities. Nuclear Energy is basically obtained by modifying the nuclear structure. It involves fusion or fission of nuclei. The current nuclear power plants function on the "Fission" concept by separating a heavy nucleus (generally Uranium) into lighter nuclei. Thinking of "Fusion" leads to the unearthly side of nuclear energy. It is a very common occurrence in stars like sun, generally at temperatures of around 100 million ℃ .  Nuclear Fusion can give 11000 times more energy than burning coal. And the extreme reaction cannot be controlled in any reactor,made of ANY element. It is expected to be co...

How do you feel about the string theory?

Well, one of the most challenging goals of physics is to propose a theory that would unite the 4 forces of nature - electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces. Most of us are very much familiar with the first two terms - electromagnetism and gravity. Strong nuclear forces are responsible for holding the central part of atoms (their nuclei) together, whereas weak nuclear forces are involved in the decay of these nuclei. Many theories were proposed to unite these four, and one of the most promising of them was the string theory. According to this theory,all particles are actually tiny vibrating strings and each type of vibration corresponds to a different particle. The theory replaces elementary particles with infinite thin strings to reconcile that apparently incompatible theories that describe gravity and the quantum world. The strings are too tiny to detect using today's technology - but some argue that string theory is worth pursuing whether or not experimen...

What is eutrophication? What are it's consequences?

Many of us have come across the term 'eutrophication' yet many do not know it's actual meaning and the consequences of it... Well, eutrophication is usually characterised by excessive algal and plant growth due to increase in availability of nutrient fertilisers, sunlight, carbon dioxide and many other factors which are required for photosynthesis. There are some conspicuous effects of eutrophication which many of you may be unaware of. One of it is the creation of dense blooms of foul - smelling phytoplankton that harms water quality, but yet is the food for many marine animals. These blooms of algae also limit light penetration, reducing the growth of plants. Furthermore, high rates of photosynthesis associated with eutrophication can deplete dissolved inorganic carbon dioxide and rise pH to extreme values during the day. The rise in pH value can in turn make some organisms that mainly rely on perception of dissolved chemicals for their survival blind. It pos...

Is it ethical to use animals in the lab for test and research?

Just like every single thing in this world has its own pros and cons,the using of animals in the lab also has its own pros and cons. How do you feel about the usage of animal models in the labs for test and research? The research field benefits from using animals as it enables researchers to develop new treatments and drugs. The effectiveness and safety of new treatments are ensured by animal models. The use of animal models has also improved the understanding of scientists of human health and biology. Even with so many advantages of using animal models,there are some disadvantages which many do not consider before using them in the lab. Well,how do you feel about the using of animals in experiments and then killing them? It is very bad to use them and then kill them. Sometimes,it is just too expensive to use model organisms as the animals must first be purchased.and then properly fed,housed and taken care of. Some diseases such as asthma involve very complex physiological proc...

What if you are stressed everyday?

We all get stressed,whether it be from work,school or friendships but with 80% of adults in some parts of the world reporting daily stress. What's this chronic stress doing to all of us? What happens when you're stressed everyday? Within seconds of any stressor,your body goes into fight or flight mode. First,your eyes and ears send information to your amygdala,the emotional processing centre of the brain. Then from your amygdala,the information moves to your hypothalamus,which communicates with your nervous system and adrenal glands. These glands then release a burst of the neurotransmitter,adrenaline. This causes the classic feeling of stress - increased heart rate,increased blood pressure and faster breathing. The adrenaline also triggers the release of the stress hormone,cortisol. We always hear about the danger of cortisol,but it's actually released to protect your brain from the nerve damage associated with trauma. Within 10 minutes of being stressed,behavioural chang...

Are organic foods even better for you and the environment in the first place??

For plants,the term 'organic' basically means something grown without the use of  synthetic fertilisers or pesticides,but this is a little bit misleading. You see,many consumers buy organic to avoid pesticides all together,but the truth is,organic farmers can still use pesticides and fungicides to prevent insects from destroying their crops,they just can't be synthetically made. There are over 20 chemicals approved for organic use in US,derived from natural sources like plants,but studies have shown that some natural pesticides are actually a more serious health and environmental risk than man - made ones. Not to say they are all bad,but simply that,'natural' doesn't always mean 'better for you or the environment.' On top of this, not all organic foods are completely organic.  If a label simply says 'organic',it only has to contain 95% organic ingredients. The label 'made with organic ingredients' on items like bread may...