What if you are stressed everyday?

We all get stressed,whether it be from work,school or friendships but with 80% of adults in some parts of the world reporting daily stress. What's this chronic stress doing to all of us? What happens when you're stressed everyday? Within seconds of any stressor,your body goes into fight or flight mode. First,your eyes and ears send information to your amygdala,the emotional processing centre of the brain. Then from your amygdala,the information moves to your hypothalamus,which communicates with your nervous system and adrenal glands. These glands then release a burst of the neurotransmitter,adrenaline. This causes the classic feeling of stress - increased heart rate,increased blood pressure and faster breathing. The adrenaline also triggers the release of the stress hormone,cortisol. We always hear about the danger of cortisol,but it's actually released to protect your brain from the nerve damage associated with trauma. Within 10 minutes of being stressed,behavioural changes likely take place including increased aggressive behaviour. Around 30 minutes,you may become forgetful as stress can decrease long - term memory and impair concentration. A study on rats showed that six months after being chronically stressed,the rats had increased levels of anxiety and decreased abilities to navigate a maze. This was due to increased levels of cortisol. This highlights that although we know cortisol is meant to protect your brain from trauma,long - term exposure to it can be detrimental. With all this in mind,it's no surprise that chronic stress has been linked to many diseases such as obesity,depression,heart disease and suppression of the immune system with increased susceptibility to colds,sleep issues,memory problems and even cancer. 


  1. Wow, a very good explanation for stress scientifically. Very nice. Even people who don't like a hence will start liking it if they read your blogs. Keep going! Superb!

  2. Amazing work
    Even though I actually I hate bio I am having a fun read
    I think I've been a very good influence ;)

    1. Bio is always amazing... Just start taking interest in bio, and just think all the developments taking place in the medical field and other fields associated with bio. I'm sure you are going to start loving bio... :)

  3. Never think science as a subject, think that almost everything in the world happens because of science. You will literally start loving science.. :)

  4. And then there's no one who can destroy your inner liking of the subject ;)


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