Is it ethical to use animals in the lab for test and research?

Just like every single thing in this world has its own pros and cons,the using of animals in the lab also has its own pros and cons. How do you feel about the usage of animal models in the labs for test and research?
The research field benefits from using animals as it enables researchers to develop new treatments and drugs. The effectiveness and safety of new treatments are ensured by animal models. The use of animal models has also improved the understanding of scientists of human health and biology.
Even with so many advantages of using animal models,there are some disadvantages which many do not consider before using them in the lab.
Well,how do you feel about the using of animals in experiments and then killing them? It is very bad to use them and then kill them. Sometimes,it is just too expensive to use model organisms as the animals must first be purchased.and then properly fed,housed and taken care of.
Some diseases such as asthma involve very complex physiological processes that can be studied only in a living animal. Until there is a cell that can be studied individually and can exhibit human - like responses,animals are necessary.
All drugs have to be tested on animals in the labs for safety before using them on humans.
Side effects and human fatalities of drugs in humans are reduced when tested first on animals in labs as they would finally exhibit all the side effects which can then be minimized before using on humans.
Yet there is no need to cause suffering and pain to animals when more focused clinical studies and sophisticated computer systems can also show us what happens in our body during the entry of a disease.
Image result for animal models in lab


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  2. I'm a stuent of 9A
    and I'm going to brek u !!!

  3. I know you are a student of 9 A. Please mention your name

  4. Some constructive criticism:
    Firstly , anyone who is reading a science blog will not want to read about someone’s opinion on the ethics of something which is why the title could be better, also this article doesn’t provide a science enthusiast like me with any information I don’t already know

    Secondly I agree with you on the point about computer simulations but the reason it isn’t implemented widely yet is because the few supercomputers we have that can run such complex biological simulations are already occupied with simulating celestial and nuclear collisions, finding new elements and solving problems via neural networks and all those cannot be done in any other way. But testing on the other hand can be done on animals and doesn’t require a supercomputer which is why we don’t use our supercomputers for that purpose
    Thirdly your blog posts don’t really provide me with something that I can’t find elsewhere on the internet so I would recommend doing more individual research and also covering your opinion on popular scientific theories like string theory and also quantum mechanics and the mystery of the missing gravity particle and not ethics.

    If you do improve I might consider reccomending this blog to my friends

    1. Thanks for your suggestions.. Will definitely make improvements :) Will definitely improve the titles and your second point about the usage of supercomputers is true but my actual opinion is why to kill animals use them in the lab for test and research? I'm not coming to say that it has no uses but well, just as many other things have their own pros and cons, similarly even the usage of animals in the lab has its own pros and cons :). Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions. It is not at all criticising, it is actually helping me.. Will definitely think about improving this...

  5. Nice one it is tough for one to manage studies and their hobbies but u did it !Good job

  6. First of all. Super duper to begin a blog like this. Everyone thinks of doing it...but you went one step ahead of executing the thought process. Well done.

  7. Now my question is for some studies like mechanism of drug action or to study about a disease..we need to do animal testing. And the animal that is more similar to human genome are mice or rats. So one has to do animal testing to bring it to market. Or else the repurcutions could be worse on humans. So you think simulations could replace them? Because it's not possible to do live studies with simulations.
    And even if you replace the animals with simulations do you think it's ethical or ok to work with micro organisms? They too are living organisms just like rats or mice? So is it ok to kill or test on micro organisms?

    1. Recently, it is possible to test drugs like heart drugs in a 'virtual human.' There are computational models representing human heart cells showing higher accuracy than animal models in predicting an adverse drug affect, such as arrhythmia where the heart beat becomes irregular and has chances of stopping too. This shows that human computational models would actually bring additional advantages than animal models by reducing the use of animal models in experiments in the initial stages of drug testing,speeding up medicine development for patients requiring urgent health care, it thereby improves the drug safety too... Hope it is clear enough... :)

    2. It was a really good question... Thanks once again :)

    3. But you are looking at one aspect here of heart operation. But there are many more uses of these animal models. It simply can't make to the market without drug testing on a mammal. The FDA will not approve of it. Simulations cannot be always trusted.

    4. Simulations cannot always be trusted, I agree to that. In some instances, levels of organisation can be studied in vitro approaches (eg cell structure). I also agree that sometimes exploration of physiological functions and systemic interactions between organs requires a whole organism. I agree that most vaccines which save the lives of humans are developed from some organisms. But despite large similarities, there are differences between a given animal species and humans. If you see, 95% of the genes are homologous between mice and humans but there are also differences,for example,in the members of genes families. One more is due to genetic and physiological variations within the species which are closely related.. A study, had in fact, reported that some mouse strains in the lab are fully resistant to Ebola virus, others die without any specific symptom. No single animal model is able to mimic a given human disease which is itself polymorphic between patients, but the differences between strains or species provide unmatched opportunity to understand a disease. So I am not coming to say that simulations can always be trusted. I hope you got what I'm coming to say :)

    5. Well answered. Just what was expected. I was contradicting all the time. But just wanted to say that it is not good to completely abolish the use of animal model. But should be used wisely for different purposes.

    6. Thanks a lot :). I agree with your statements that it's not good to completely abolish the use of animal models, instead they should be used wisely for different purposes.


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