In the screen - lit of modern life, sleep is expendable. There are television shows to binge - watch, emails to answer, homework to finish, social media posts to scroll through. We'll catch up on shut - eye later, so the thinking goes - right after we click down one last digital rabbit hole. Preschoolers who skip naps are worse at a memory game than those who snooze, even after the children "catch up" on sleep the next night. Poor sleep may increase the risk of Alzheimer's, as even a single night of sleep deprivation boosts brain levels of the proteins that form toxic clumps in Alzheimer's patients. All - nighters push anxiety to clinical levels, and even modest sleep reductions are linked to increased feelings of social isolation and loneliness. When you fall asleep, several foolish things happen - You're not finding food, not finding someone to talk to. Worse still, you're vulnerable to predation. Sleep problems have long been recongnised as a symptom...