
Showing posts from June, 2019

Is being tall actually great?

Being tall may get you a spot on the basketball team,and it may even be good for your self esteem. But I don't think being tall actually helps. Why? Towering over your peers may also affect various aspects of your physical health,as well..  Recently,researchers also investigated the link between height and venous thromboembolism.They also found that men shorter than 5'3" had a 65% lower risk of developing a venous thromboembolism,which is basically a type of blood clot that starts in the vein,than men taller than 6'2". Well why does this happen? Gravity may be influencing the link. It could just be that because taller individuals have longer leg veins,there could just be more surface area for the problems to occur. Increased gravitational pressure in the veins of taller legs can also increase the risk of slow blood flow or even stop the blood flow temporarily. Being tall may be a marker of over - nutrition - specifically eating too many high calorie proteins.


1. Self-awareness: This is when the person has the ability to read their own emotions and recognize their impact.  2.Self-management: Once a person has identified an emotion they are having, they have to learn to control it or make decisions based on it. Self-management is the ability to use intuition or gut feelings to guide decisions based on their emotions. For young people especially, it involves controlling one’s emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances of their environment. 3. Perceiving Emotions: This is the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, and voices. 4. Social awareness: This is the ability to sense, understand, and react to others’ emotions while comprehending social status, standing and where you are in your social network of people. Actually, teens are quite good at this because social hierarchy often matters the most in High School. The key is tying their heightened social awareness to their self-awareness and then maki

What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important?

Emotional intelligence is the capacity,skill,or ability to identify and assess emotions of oneself,of others and of groups. It is an essential part of our day to day interactions. Well,it's important in three major ways: 1. Relationships with others: Having a high emotional IQ helps individuals connect with others,and develop deep relationships because they will be able to read their friends,and then respond with empathy and compassion. 2. Personal satisfaction and contendedness: It's not only important for your interactions with others,but also for personal well - being. People who are better able to express themselves and distinguish their own emotions - whether it's anger, guilt,fear or even jealousy,are typically happier in life.  3. Worldview: It helps us to be empathetic and compassionate. Our emotional button is often what drives us to help another human,whether it is our friend who is struggling for an exam,or giving a hand to our mother,struggling with the gr

Well,why do we sleep?

The fact that sleep makes us feel better and that going without sleep,makes us feel worse,puts up the question in our minds,'why sleep is necessary?' One way to think about the function of sleep is to compare it to another of our life - sustaining activity - eating. Hunger is a protective mechanism that has evolved to ensure that we consume the nutrients our bodies require to grow,repair tissues and function properly. Both eating and sleeping are regulated by powerful internal drives. Going without food produces the uncomfortable sensation of hunger,while going without sleep makes us feel overwhelmingly sleepy. And just as eating relieves hunger and ensures that we obtain the nutrients we need, sleeping relieves sleepiness and ensures that we obtain the sleep we need. Still, the question remains: Why do we need sleep at all? Is there a single primary function of sleep, or does sleep serve many functions? A simple - counter argument to one theory is that it is always safer

Is aging inevitable?

Growing old is a natural part of life,but that hasn't stopped people from turning to anti - aging skin treatments,specialised diets and other tricks to try to reverse the effects of aging. These efforts to stop aging,may be sorely misplaced; no matter how people try to intervene,it's impossible to stop the aging process.  As a person ages,one of the two things happens to individual cells - a cell with either slow down and lose function (such as when a person's hair cells stop producing pigments and turn grey) or a cell can become cancerous. As people age,they tend to develop cancerous cells in the body,even if they don't show any symptoms. Weeding out sluggish cells could stop the aging process. However,cutting out these cells leaves room for cancerous cells to proliferate. On the other hand,if you get rid of the cancerous cells, sluggish cells linked to aging will accumulate and slowly deteriorate. Suppose,the body got rid of sluggish cells and kept cancerous cell