My friends have been complaining to me like this - "Dude, I don't know why but my mind is wandering a lot and I'm struggling to stay focused in what I'm doing. Can you please suggest me something to help me focus better?" So I decided to write this blog mainly for them and for many others who face the same issue.. When we're reading, our minds typically wander anywhere from 20 to 40 % of the time. Voluntarily keeping our attention on one thing continuously can take a lot of effort, so it's not surprising that many struggle with this sometimes. Luckily, there are ways to keep our attention spans from burning out, once we understand how they work. Our brain is split into 2 systems - System 1 and system 2. System 1 is the involuntary, always - on network in our brains that takes in stimuli and process it. It's the system that makes automatic decisions for us, like turning our heads when we hear our names or freezing when we see a spider. System 2 runs ...