
Showing posts from February, 2019

Why do we get dreams?

First of all,sleep is divided into two categories based on our eye movement: 1. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) 2. Non - REM During REM,your eye tends to move around in all directions and brain activity is very much similar to when you are awake. At this stage only,dreams tend to occur the most. This sleeping phase is usually encountered 90 min after our sleep and stays maximum for an hour. During the REM cycle,our heart rate increases,breathing becomes irregular and most significantly,our skeletal muscles get paralysed. Waking up before the completion of REM cycle can lead to sleep paralysis. Now,coming to the point,why do we dream? Well,I'm actually not sure. But these may be some possible reasons for dreams: 1. Dreaming helps us form memories. In the sense,we have more dreams when we learn something new. Also,according to this theory,dreams helps convert short - term memories into long - term ones. 2. When we are awake,our brain is busy in dealing with many activities and the...

Mobile phones,WiFi and powerlines causing cancer??

Many say mobile phones cause cancer. But they do not. If mobile phones increase the risk of brain tumors,then more and more people would not be developing them. In 2011,the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified mobile phones as a possible cause of cancer. Some studies have shown some links between usage of mobile phones and brain cancer. But larger studies have shown no links between mobile phones and cancer. The radio frequency electromagnetic radiation that mobiles receive is very weak. This radiation does not have much energy to damage the DNA,and definitely cannot directly cause cancer. There's no good evidence that WiFi causes cancer. Just like mobile phones,even WiFi uses radio waves to send information. The radio waves produced by WiFi have much lower power,lesser than that of mobile phones too. Well,some studies say that there is a link between magnetic fields given off by power lines and childhood leukaemia,but there won't be a strong evidence. Powe...